Student home wifi

Register here to get wireless internet for your student home!

Order wifi or TV

Studentinord offers 1000/1000 Mbps internet from Signal without any extra cost. No refund in the event of downtime.

How to access wifi
In order to access wifi, you need to register in the form below. You will receive a text including your Wifi password within a working day.

Unfortunately this text is only sent out in Norwegian, but look for the words: «Altibox####» – which is the name of your Wifi, and the word: «passord: ****» – which is your password.»

Do you have any other questions – please contact customer service!

Student engelsk

"*" indicates required fields

I want WiFi (without any extra cost)
I want Altibox TV XS - NOK 299,-/month

Rich TV-experience and high speed internet

Did you know that you have our fastest internet connection (1000/1000 mbps) with cable? Remember to register above in order to access Wifi in your student home. 

Do you want TV? Get magical entertainment and a rich selection of streaming services, channels and movies. All within Altibox TV!

Altibox TV

TV-pack with 10 points for you to use. (Streaming services, extra channels etc.) In addition to 13 fixed channels.

Only NOK 298,- /month!

Mine opptak

Up to 50 hours with recordings in full HD in «mine opptak»(my recordings). That’s hours and hours with good entertainment! 

Start forfra

Late for the show? With «start forfra» (start from the beginning), you may start any program from the beginning!


Programarkiv (program archive) collects programs from the past days and lets you access them without doing a recording.

Du har blitt videresendt

Velkommen til Signal!

Siden du nettopp prøvde å besøke, er nå lagt ned etter at din leverandør har blitt en del av Signal Bredbånd AS. 

Siden du er videresendt til, inneholder informasjon om dine tidligere produkter, eller bestillingsmuligheter om vi enda ikke kan levere Altibox i ditt område. 

Dersom du allerede har fått fiber og Altibox, kan du forholde deg til forsiden vår,